For Parents

The SimplySafeChild Parent App

Our app is designed to assist you and your children’s caretakers in keeping track of your kids to keep them safe. Your child’s ID cards will be scanned when entering and exiting buses, schools, or daycares to perform automatic attendance and provide you with the ability to know exactly where your child’s bus is and whether or not he or she is on board. This platform will also make your life easier by combining all of the day-to-day tasks into one easy-to-use app. No more having to manage multiple apps and websites for each part of your child’s day!

With just one app, you can communicate with your children’s teachers; monitor assignments and grades; pay for lunch, tuition, aftercare, and field trips; and chat in groups with other parents from your children’s classes or teams. It will also provide the option to input any vital information about your child’s special needs so that any authorized school employee can scan his or her card during emergencies to make faster, smarter decisions.

Where's My Child's Bus?

Did your child make it on the bus today? Did they get off at the wrong bus stop again? Is the bus running late or a no-show?
With our SafeStop geofencing technology, you’ll know! Bus drivers will be notified in real-time regarding loading and unloading errors to prevent children from boarding the wrong bus or getting off at the wrong stop. Our app also pushes notifications to you at each step of your child’s journey. If a child were still to go missing, the app would provide the exact time and location his or her ID was last scanned- vital details when every second counts!

Did My Child Get to School or Daycare on Time?

Did my child make it to class today? Did Grandma drop them off at daycare on time? Are they back from that field trip? With our SimplySafeParent App, you will receive push alerts when your children scan into or out of school or daycare. This will enable you to know if your child did not make it to school or daycare hours earlier than you would otherwise.

A child who was abducted, left in the car, or in the care of someone experiencing a medical emergency could slip through the cracks until school dismissal. Daycare workers and teachers are overwhelmed and may not always call when a child is a no-show. With our app parents will know within minutes if a child is not in class when he or she should be.

SimplySafeChild Parent & StudentPay Features

Paying for your child’s lunch, tuition, field trips, and other fees is often such a hassle—requiring different websites for each child and each expense. With our StudentPay feature, all your children’s payments will be in one app linked to one account. You will be able to add money as needed, set limits and rules for your child’s spending, view payment and spending logs, and receive push notifications for any purchases. When it’s time to top off the account, you’ll receive an alert—all via the same app!

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SimplySafeChild & are excited to announce our exclusive partnership!