
By the Numbers...

$760 Billion Yearly

Spent in the United States on daycares, and K-12 schools- approximately $13,185 per student

$1.8 Billion Yearly

is forecast to be spent in the US on daycares, and the K-12 school systems on student management & safety software starting in 2024

270,000 In-Home Daycares
use little to no technology or tuition payment processing
Children between the ages of 3 & 18 in the public & private school systems, and in daycare in the United States alone
Public & Private schools in the US
Daycare Facilities in the US
Public School Districts in the US

Children each year attend in-home and center based daycares for their working parents

For Socially Minded Investors

A decision to invest in SimplySafeChild is a decision to not only boost your own net worth but to also invest in the safety of current and future generations of children. Nine percent of all child abductions in the United States occur en route to and from schools, particularly while children are waiting for the bus or walking to and from bus stops. Every year, hundreds of kids are forgotten in the backseats of cars after they should have been dropped off at school or daycare.

 Meanwhile, at the start of each school year, thousands of small children and their parents are traumatized when kids are lost after boarding the wrong bus or getting off at the wrong stop. Our app is designed to dramatically reduce or eliminate all of the above statistics, but we need your help.

We want our investors to join this exciting revolution in our country’s schools, as we are interested in providing US schools with a truly viable option to finally catch up with developed—and even emerging—countries with respect to school safety and efficiency.

In today’s chaotic and turbulent society wherein parents fear for their children’s safety every time they leave for school, any provided peace of mind is invaluable. The opportunity to grow your portfolio while making such an important impact is an obvious choice. If you share our vision for safer schools and communities, invest with us.

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SimplySafeChild & are excited to announce our exclusive partnership!

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SimplySafeChild & are excited to announce our exclusive partnership!