Discover the Future of Daycare Management with and SimplySafeChild

Welcome to SimplySafeChild, where we blend friendly service with cutting-edge technology to revolutionize childcare management. In our groundbreaking integration with, we’re bringing an all-in-one solution for daycares of all sizes and parents seeking the best for their children. This collaboration brings forth a comprehensive solution for all daycare centers, from cozy in-home setups to larger childcare networks. Our platform is designed to cater to the diverse needs of daycare providers and parents alike.

One App to Rule Them All!

At SimplySafeChild, we have created a safe, secure, and optimized platform that increases child safety, saves teachers and parents time, and decreases liability for school administration and transportation companies—all while helping children and families stay connected through a unified platform. Our suite of apps features emergency alerts, automatic notifications of important milestones or potential issues, and geofencing. With a single sign-on, parents can access all the information they need to remain active in their child’s day-to-day life- from homework assignments and grades to attendance, messages, and payments.

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SimplySafeChild & are excited to announce our exclusive partnership!